In Acts 2:42 Luke recalls that the Christians present at Pentecost “continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.”
If you happen (or purpose) to be in Robertson Hall at 12:15 on Thursday afternoons you will find that Regent Law continues in and encourages this beautiful tradition at Law Chapel.
While attendance at Law Chapel is not mandated by the University, law students, staff, and faculty turn out every week to be refreshed by the message preached, the corporate prayer and worship, and the food and fellowship which follows. Those who attend find this an invaluable time to not only forget about tomorrow’s exam, this weekend’s paper presentation, or that ceiling-high stack of LRW (Legal Research and Writing) papers that need grading, but to be reminded of why we do what God has called us to do - and to do it as unto the Lord.
This photo was taken following a recent Law Chapel service. Several members of the Regent Law family - from Dean Brauch, to 1Ls, to part-time GAs - clustered around the Robertson Hall lobby to eat a delicious Chick-fil-A lunch, catch-up, and pray for one another.
So, every once in a while, and in quite the role-reversal, the world of Regent Law seems to stand still while the rest of the world rushes by.
Good thing “every once in a while” comes every Thursday afternoon.
By Molly Eccles
Families Fight Pornography on the Frontlines
*This guest post is from Benjamin Hands, Regent Law 3L:*
Recently, states are passing laws requiring pornographic websites to verify
the age of its visi...
5 days ago
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