Spotlight on Stockton Brown, 1L

Stockton Brown, 1L
Asbury University
English Major

Q. Where are you from? 
A. I am from Garysburg, North Carolina. It is a small town about two hours northeast of Raleigh.

Q. What does becoming a lawyer mean to you? 
A. Becoming a lawyer means becoming an honest, courageous, and gracious advocate who seeks justice for those who cannot speak for themselves and lives a life grounded in relationship with God.

Q. What do you wish you knew before you started law school? 
A. I wish that I knew the importance of discipline. If there is one skill that I could have honed before beginning law school, it would be discipline. Thinking like a lawyer, writing like a lawyer, and even reading like one can all be acquired. Discipline is a character trait that comes from a deep work of God and utterly reflects faithfulness to God in the little things. I have spent the last few months learning how integral discipline is to my success in law school and in living a consecrated life.

Q. What surprised you most about Regent? 
A. I was surprised by how life changing it would be. In one sense, I expected to face academic rigors of a level that I had not known, and I certainly have. I have also faced personal challenges that come from being face to face with my own weakness and coming to know God as my strength. I have also learned so much about the value of community in being here.

Q. How is law school different from your college experience? 
A. Law school is almost the opposite of college. Where I spent 80% of my time with friends and 20% of my time studying in college, I now spend 80% of my time with the books and 20% of my time hanging out with friends. This switch is compensated by studying with friends.

Q. What is your favorite class so far and why? 
A. Property is my favorite class. The subject of property is interesting because possessions are such a part of daily life. It is interesting to analyze how our relationships to our possessions influence our relationships with each other and potential property owners.

Q. How will you spend your summer? 
A. I will be interning for the Honorable W. Allan Sharrett of the Sixth Judicial Circuit of Virginia.

Q. What kind of law do you hope to practice after graduation? 
A. I came to Regent with an interest in the intersection of International Law and Human Rights. My passion is to be a voice for those who cannot speak up for themselves, and the exact type of law in which I am able to do this could be a multitude of kinds.

Q. How would you describe the group of your closest friends found here at Regent? 
A. Spunky. Sprightly. Fair-minded. They have a spring in their steps and a song in their pockets. I am very grateful for the friends that I have met in this first year and look forward to growing in Christ with these and others as this journey through law school continues.

Q. How do you prefer to study? 
A. I prefer to study in the library at the big tables, preferably across from a friend, for 2 to 3 hours at a time for six days of the week. When my joy for studying wanes, I also enjoy studying at Starbucks for extra motivation.

Q. What is your favorite book of all time and why? 
A. The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis changed my life as a I came into a deeper understanding of the spiritual battle that Christians are in against darkness. My favorite verse of all time is Romans 12:2 that speaks of being transformed by the renewing of the mind. In the Screwtape Letters, Lewis illustrates how the battle against darkness is fought in the mind, and how seeking Truth and believing Truth makes us victorious.

Q. What is your favorite Bible verse? 
A. Well! Perfect transition! Romans 12:1-2 “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.” This verse reminds me that my life both in body and spirit is meant to be surrendered to God because of the joy set before me of delighting in God and walking in His will.

Q. If you could meet with anyone alive or dead, who would it be and why? 
A. Caroline Moncure Long. She was my great-grandmother, and played a significant role in my grandfather's spiritual maturity. She was also known for her sense of humor, huge heart, and dancing shoes, and it would be a privilege to have known her.

Q. If you could have lunch with any faculty member or administrator at Regent who would it be and why? 
A. I would love to have lunch with Professor Duane because I want to know 1) why and how he developed his talent with the guitar, 2) why he wanted to be a lawyer in the first place, and 3) how he came to know Christ. His class is a lot of fun, and I appreciate his deep commitment to following God wholeheartedly and encouraging us to do the same.

Q. What kinds of extra-curricular activities are you involved with? 
A. As a 1L, I have devoted most of my time to studying. The few activities that I have participated in include serving as a bailiff for a couple of the Moot Court Board competitions. Most recently, I competed in the Trial Advocacy Competition. I also enjoy the prayer group through my church, New Covenant Presbyterian.

Q. If you had an entire weekend available, what would you do in the Hampton Roads area? 
A. Wow! That sounds SO exciting! I really want to hang my hammock in the First Landing State Park and hike/run/bike through there. Then, I would spend the following afternoon on the beach. Living so close to the ocean is utterly delightful. For the remainder of the weekend, I would go to the Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) and the Wells Theatre for a play!

Q. Is there anything else you would like your peers or future law students to learn about you? 
A. If you are a potential Regent Law student, I want to encourage you to pray. When I have been tired or overwhelmed, I have found strength in the fact that I know that God has called me here. Just be sure to seek Him!

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